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App Tablet SP is ideal for
the following types of business

App Tablet SP is ideal for the following types of business.

Convenience stores

App Tablet SP+ is a support tool for convenience stores, businesses that are already in the industry and that want to implement a functional and useful point of sale for total management, recording daily counter sales and sales floor operations, applying various payment methods (bank card, credit, cash), as well as the optional functionality of electronic invoicing.


Mobile businesses

Do you have problems with the mobility of your point of sale? Don't worry anymore. App Tablet SP + is the point-of-sale system that allows you to easily use it in mobile points of sale, as in the case of food trucks. This is due to the fact that it works on Tablet or ¨all in one¨ devices, with Android operating system. In this way you can achieve control and flexibility with your point of sale system.


Businesses with "take away" service

App Tablet SP is perfectly adapted to the operation of businesses that have sales through "Drive thru", facilitating the registration of the sale, minimizing the time of attention to customers who are in line.

Occasional-sale stores

The management of the App Tablet SP + application in an occasional business is undoubtedly an added value. The user can manage this App with the comfort and security of storing truthful information about sales and customers, which is an advantage over other businesses. Having intuitive software as a support tool should be considered in your business.


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